I finished painting my Avarian fleet on Thurday evening, so I thought I'd share some pics of it:
My 3 previous fleets from Starfleet Wars have each a unique color pattern: blue for the Aquarians, Yellow for the Carnivorans and Green for the Entomolians. Therefore, my avarians needed a different color to stand apart from these.
The problem was that I wanted this fleet to be colorful, as to represent a birdy species. The solution was to make them colorful but with red being the predominant color.
With the friday night free, I had some time to work on my Terrans, which arrived this week (one week after my Avarians!). I already cleaned the flash, washed them and based the big boys with corsec omni-stands, and now I only need to base the smal ships and fighters and then we're ready for primer!
I'll be painting this fleet after Kurfurst's scheme, from the Starfleet Wars 2 blog. Here are some examples of his paint job on them:
As I'm going out on a work travel next week, I probably won't even get to prime them before returning home at September, 5, also because I plan on using some of my free time this weekend to come up with more ship stats for Pax Stellarum.
Speaking of my homebrew, it is already listed on Star-Ranger's Web Games page. Yay!!
*End of Transmission*