I had a couple tanks from Dust Tactics/Warfare primed and ready for painting for several months already, and last saturday on our club we had a "tank workshop", so I finally got the motivation to sit down and get them painted.
I used the same paint scheme of my space nazi vehicles, as these are probably going to serve that army, even though the tanks are designed for the soviets in Dust, and are largely based on the KV tanks of WWII.
The models above are identical. Each kit comes with both weapons choices, which can be exchanged easily, so I didn't even bother magnetizing them.
Here we can see how the weapons attach to the turret:
The kit also comes with a radar, which fits on the back of the turret, and I believe is meant to go with the anti-air version (the quad-gun below).
Here are some comparison pics of one of the tanks next to an eisenkern stormtrooper. You can se it's a pretty big model:
And here are a couple pics from the event on our club last saturday. This favorite blogger of yours is the guy on the dark blue shirt, on the far left of the pic below, accompanied by the awesome chaps of the Tropas Polares Gaming Club: