Here is my pavlov grenadiers. Those are conversions I did using Zvezda bodies and Italeri heads. At first, I thought it would be a daunting task to perfectly adjust 31 heads to different torsos, but in the end it proved easier to execute than I first imagined. I did one test model first, studying the exact point in the head and the exact height on the collar I needed to trim the parts, to provide a natural fit, and once I figured that out, doing the rest of the unit was pretty straight forward.

Because the Zvezda torsos are wearing line infantry uniform, my Pavlovs have the 1812 uniform, but already bear the 1813 colors - correspondent to their Guard status. Historically, we could pinpoint these are depicting the Pavlovs in early 1813, already with the new colors in hand, but still waiting for the arrival of their new guard uniforms.
Gamewise, I plan on fielding them both in the 1812 and the 1813 campaigns, so I'm not particuarly worried about the exact timetable of uniforms/flags here.

In order to produce this unit, I had to search around for every single Italeri pavlov I had in my collection. The Italeri's are wearing early war (1805-07) uniforms, thus the need of converting for them to fit with the rest of my late war russian army.
Some of the pavlovs I had were already painted and serving on command bases, along with the Italeri Generals, so I had to paint some other models to replace them on those bases. Here is the look of the updated command bases, now with a mix of Italeri, Zvezda, Hat and resin models.