Having spent most of my efforts last year on building my russian army from the scratch, this year I'm going to invest more on the french and other major armies, and here are my first 2 units for my Grand ArmeƩ in 2018, the Chasseurs a Pied of the Old Guard.
These are Hat Industries models, I managed to grab a couple kits of them on Ebay, they are currently quite rare, being out of stock for a while now - although Hat has announced they'll be restocking their entire line in time.
With 2 boxes, I built 2 batallions and 8 bases of skirmishers, and still have a few models left on my spare box for future projects. I use 4 bases of skirmishers per unit, to represent mixed order, thus the need for 8 bases.
The kits don't come with an officer of flag bearer, so I had to make due with what I had in hand. The flag bearers were converted by trimming the musket off the NCO's and using bits I had in stock for the poles/eagles.
For the officers, one of the battalions received an officer from the Zvezda Old Guard box, the other received an officer from the Italeri set, with a head swap. Both required a few adjustments on their uniforms to look correct for Chasseurs.